Saturday, September 17, 2011

¡Tráfico!: Lima Commutes

 Ciao, says Lucky.

 Love this floor.

 Morning commute...

El micro, Lima's private micro-bus system, is quite involved: there's the bus driver, who drives, the cobrador, who collects everyone's fee (in exchange for a small piece of paper) and yells out the destination and main stops at every corner, annnd every so often there are sapos along the route, who take note of everyone's time so you know if there's another bus that may be gaining on you. The sapo gets a small tip from the cobrador, if he or she is lucky, and this system makes buses competitive (and fast, and reckless!) This is by far the cheapest mode of transportation in Lima, yet by no means environmentally friendly. You can read the main roads the bus takes on the side of each one-- just make sure you get on and off as quickly as possible, because they don't wait around!If you're hungry, vendors await at most stops, and often mount the buses, selling candy, popcorn and many random wares.

This woman takes a taxi colectivo, wherein people share the same route for a reduced rate.

Traffic. So much of it. Note the smog pollution on the building in the background, which is exacerbated by the fact that it hardly ever rains in Lima.

Math lesson?

Bugs Bunny of el Callao.

 One of my favorite things about Peru: plentiful, cheap, varied fruit!

 La Plaza de Armas.

Back at La Otra Salsa, Centro de Lima.

Public transportation is quite an industry in Lima. Here, a man sells stickers for the colectivos and micros.

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