Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Maria Rosa, the owner of the casa particular where we stayed the first two nights.

Visiting Miramar.

Haha... one of the few photos of me during the first two weeks.

The Cuban flag and that of Spain, ¨la madre patria¨.

¨All to the plaza, live the revolution!¨ It´s been living since 1959.

Fresa y Chocolate, a cultural center named after a great Cuban movie about sexuality and friendship.

La guagua-- the bus. Always crowded.

¡Candela! My clothing seemed extremely modest in Havana.

Cute little Polski Fiat.

Love the guagua kitsch, each driver´s got their own set of stickers and stuffed animals.

Granma newspaper, named after the yacht that brought revolutionaries (include Fidel, Che Guevara, Raúl Castro and Camilo Cienfuegos) from Mexico to Cuba in 1956 to overthrow the Batista regime.

Princesca, what are you looking at?

Seems she was watching the boys playing pelota, Cuban baseball.