Thursday, June 28, 2012

Las Tapadas de Maravillas

The post office (and a plea for rain).

As part of Jirón Ancash de Maravillas, Jade paints a typical criollo character of Lima history-- las tapadas. These were women who, in colonial times, had to be covered, and many people in Barrios Altos got the reference right away (while, for me, it looked very Middle-Eastern).

Lots of glass cabinet places on this block, for some reason.

Unfortunately this guy couldn't run around with the pack because of a broken foot.

Further up Ancash Avenue is la Iglesia Santa Clara, which can be seen in the background. Jirón Ancash was once a glorious avenue where goods came in from the mountains through the city gates and churches, convents, markets and plantations lined the streets. A church named maravillas, marvels, is located just past where the gates were, and this inspired the name of our initiative, Jirón Ancash de Maravillas. Despite the lowered living conditions, it remains a bustling and culturally lively place in Lima history.

The final touch.

The mural is just a few blocks from the Congress building, and Jade inserted his own commentary about the current tapadas.

A common site in Lima's center.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As part of our Jirón Ancash de Maravillas initiative, many murals were placed on every few blocks of the newly painted façades. This one, on a corner, was once covered in nails and full of soot. Basick did this one-- see more of his work, and other members of the DA2C crew.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cantagallo- La Selva de Lima

Arriving in Cantagallo, a settlement atop a hill across the river from Barrios Altos. It's home to many Shipibo families from the Amazonian rainforest.

At the Municipal Building next door to Cantagallo. The plan was to paint the façade of their dividing wall, but at the last minute permission wasn't granted, so the artists decided to paint directly on walls.

Note the typical selva (rainforest) design.

WA painting directly on someone's house (with their enthusiastic consent, of course).

The kids join in too!

WA paints.

Jungle themes.

Jade paints with the kids.

Balloon shadows.

These two are just precious.

Murals that have been there depict scenes from the Amazon.

Lima's city center can be seen beyond the Rímac River (which, at this time of the year, is mostly empty and polluted).

One girl shows me her urban art.


Similarly shaped cheeks.

Welcome to Lima's Rainforest- Shipiba Community of Cantagallo-Rimac.

This one was taken by Andrew, a friend of mine from Fordham who came to visit Peru and was interested in getting to know the underground art scene.

Andrew in my (very pink!) office.