Being back in the States, the land of abundance, I ask myself if we've forgotten about generosity, about how interconnected we really are. Our meat is packaged in plastic, giving us the emotional space we prefer. And there's always a struggle for more-- power, prestige, individual ambition (especially in New York City). In Spanish, amibición has a negative connotation- it means wanting to succeed at the expense of others. Although I appreciated some of that Puritanical work ethic on the job in Peru, there were times that my need for success got the better of me.
Now here's the real challenge: keeping those lessons present even when immersed in the suburban American culture. And that's my next journey-- that of being present, appreciative and striving even when staying in one place.
Here are a few shots from New Jersey, New York and Shelter Island in the months following my arrival. Biggest perk so far? Family.